© 2000-2025
== July 29, 2009 ==
We've been playing a few shows in 2009, and hope to keep up this mellow pace. Been loving the sound at the Palace lounge, and hope to do a few more shows there.
We're also interested in doing a few out of town shows. If you're in the Butte or Bozeman area and can help hook us up, please let us know!
On the music front, we've been working on a few new songs so you'll want to keep an eye out for those in the near future.
== September 07, 2008 ==
_pollen has it's first show of 2008! We are slated to play at the Badlander on October 1st. We will be opening up for TalkDemonic.
We have been on hiatus (well.. not really) since our beloved bass player, Shane Graff, moved to Portland. Over the last couple of years we were trying to get a plan together. "Will we continue?" "Should we find another bass player?" Those were questions asked amongst the band members since his departure in 2006. After going through a short run with a bass player in 2007, we finally found the guy that fits the band, both on the musical level and on the personal level. His name is Ryan Stiles and we are proud to play our first show with him.
Ryan is also the bass player for American Butter, which is a band that is gaining popularity in Missoula. _pollen is very familiar with the idea of members playing in other bands. Jimmy Rolle has been a long time guitarist of the Lazerwolfs. Steve Jacobs has also picked up various musical projects throughout the history of _pollen as well.
So I guess I can officially say... "_pollen is back!" I hope to see you at the show. Remember, bring ear plugs!
== February 15, 2006 ==
Sad to report that we're going to lose our bass player Shane Graff. He's moving to Portland and he will be missed greatly. We're hoping that we can still collaborate to some level while he's out there. Or at the very least try to book some shows in Portland.
In the meantime we're trying to get some shows in as a four piece. We already have a show booked at the Elks with Volumen and Lazerwolfs (Feb 25th), should be a hoot.
Here is a flyer
Also, we're working out the details for a show in Big Sky in March sometime with the Lazerwolfs.
Pollen is endorsed by Rattlesnake Cable Company based in Missoula, Montana. Rattlesnake Cable Company makes the best guitar cables out there! We use a combination of guitar cables, patch cables and speaker cables for our rigs. Check them out!